Monday, August 29, 2011

Can't sleep?

My Guide to Falling Asleep
It's 2:00AM, I'm tired, and I want to fall asleep.
But I can't. I'm too scared.

1. Turn a light on
Subtle, adjustable, even a nightlight.

2. Don't think about it.
 Actually effective.

3. Go on the computer
This will tire your eyes out, and serves as a distraction/remedy

4. Watch AG videos
Photoshoots & AGMVs work wonders.

5. Watch until tired
And that's my guide. Writing also helps. ;)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Name Brands :D

I love my clothes. My favorite types of clothing are name brand and couture.

I only have one piece of couture clothing though. My mom made it yesterday.

I love basically all the mall name brand stores. I can't go into Abercrombie and Fitch though because I do not own a gas mask. XD

Yeahhhhh. I have no idea why Hazel has started school already when I don't start until SEPTEMBER. She's a strange child.

P.S. What are your favorite name brands? Comment!


MOM: Hazel! Do your math homework! Stop procrastinating. 
ME: Mom, I'm not procrastinating. I'm proactively delaying the implementation of the energy-intensive phase of the project until the enthusiasm factor is at its maximum effectiveness. (Thank you google.)

Teachers constantly pick on me. It's quite annoying. I have to keep explaining myself.

TEACHER: Hazel, where is your science assignment?
ME: I am so sorry, but there wasn't enough time given for me to fully procrastinate. I cannot work under those short-time-period conditions. *smiles*
TEACHER: How do you expect to get into colleges? You simply can't procrastinate that.
ME: Oh, you foolish thing. Haha, it's very simple. I plan to apply one year early, but I procrastinate and I miss the deadline. So, I simply apply for the year after. I'm not a year early, nor a year late - perfecto!
TEACHER: You're a very funny child, Hazel. You may go back to your seat.

Ahh, how I love procrastinating.  

Saturday, June 25, 2011

We have our own YouTube!

Finally! Our moms let us make our own channel on YouTube! It's called HazelAndKanani. Hazel was on her knees begging for her name to be first. Well anyways, please subscribe us on YouTube!


~Kanani and Hazel

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Really? This can't be summer. 46 degrees is fall weather. Not summer weather.
Yeah sure, it rains in summer. That rain is nice. This rain, EWWWW.
This rain is COLD.
It is windy. MEH. It's messing up MA HAIR.
The NICE SUMMER weather comes next week.

What is YOUR weather like currently?

P.S. I'm not dead. I just haven't had time to post anything.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


So I was sitting in biology class, listening to Mr. Chang explain our next assignment.
"Choose an animal that you are interested in, and would like to study!"
Oh please. Animals? Do I look like a 3rd grader?!

Kanani eagerly raised her hand up, "Mr. Chang! Can I study unicorns?"
Mr. Chang let out a chuckle. Only I and the rest of the class knew Kanani was actually serious.

I chose the panda. I already knew tons about the giraffe (my favourite animal), so I decided to go with something cute and fluffy.

I still wonder what Kanani will come up with!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I have no idea what to blog about. Hazel keeps giving me ideas, but they are boring to me.

For example:
Hazel: Kanani you should blog about our science project!
Me: Bleh. What did we even do for that?!
Hazel: -_-
Se makes that face every time I do or say something weird.
So, basically what I am saying is COMMENT! I would love some ideas!

~Kanani + Hazel with the title! :D AND MY IDEAS ARE NOT BORING. You are just NOT CREATIVE. like, duh? simple minded people.. xD don't ya love 'em?