Saturday, June 4, 2011


So I was sitting in biology class, listening to Mr. Chang explain our next assignment.
"Choose an animal that you are interested in, and would like to study!"
Oh please. Animals? Do I look like a 3rd grader?!

Kanani eagerly raised her hand up, "Mr. Chang! Can I study unicorns?"
Mr. Chang let out a chuckle. Only I and the rest of the class knew Kanani was actually serious.

I chose the panda. I already knew tons about the giraffe (my favourite animal), so I decided to go with something cute and fluffy.

I still wonder what Kanani will come up with!

1 comment:

  1. Cay: Unicorns PWN! I would totally study unicorns.......

    A: O.o Cailin...did you not get the whole point of that blog po- ... nevermind,'s pointless.

    Cay: UNICORNS!
