Friday, April 1, 2011

Operation: April Fools

Its that time of year again! Time for my ingenious pranks.
Well, lets see what pranks I have already done...

TOTALLY CREAMED: I put shaving cream in Kanani's palm, and tickled her nose with a feather. She slapped her face with the shaving cream, RIGHT ON TARGET! What a classic!

BUCKET OF FUN: I had managed to balance a bucket full of water on a wooden plank right above the bedroom door. There was a string attached to the bucket, so when Kanani opened the door, she got soaked!

SILLY STRING ATTACK: I had hid in the bathroom before she woke up, so as soon as she went to dry herself, I had sprayed her with silly string! I made sure to aim at her hair, so it would take hours to get out.

BUGGY SANDWICH: I had planted a bug novelty toy (I hope she likes beetles!) in her morning sandwich.
She came down the stairs soaking wet, as I had left her. She sat down to eat. She took a bite and everything seemed to be fine untill...


I could hear her screaming from my bedroom. Happy April Fools day!

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